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with Candace Spears

Our Cover Muse™: Candace Spears, Multi-passionate Entrepreneur

Introducing Candace Spears: a dedicated mom, wife, and multi-passionate entrepreneur. As the founder and CEO of Floor23 Digital, Candace’s remarkable journey led her to secure a groundbreaking $175 million contract with NASA. Rooted in deep faith and a relentless pursuit of knowledge, Candace credits her mother’s influence for instilling a sense of freedom and autonomy that fuels her entrepreneurial journey. Transitioning from corporate America, Candace embarked on a transformative entrepreneurship journey driven by her desire to craft meaningful experiences for others. Her time in the rigorous Information Management Leadership program at GE Healthcare equipped her with invaluable skills and experiences, preparing her to seamlessly integrate technology solutions and drive operational excellence.

Candace Spears


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Talk about Floor23 Digital and landing a $175 million contract with NASA.

We've cracked the code on engaging crowds effectively. It boils down to really understanding what makes people tick, what motivates them to get involved, and making sure they feel their voice is heard and valued. Initially, the business began as a digital marketing agency and evolved into a software company to support the coaching work I was doing with entrepreneurs, particularly corporate women looking to make their leap, much like I had done. Having always aspired to lead a tech-heavy business and harboring a love for software, it felt natural to leverage this opportunity to develop a platform to support crowdsourcing and open innovation services.

Once I dived into government contracting, it felt like discovering gold. The NASA contract, an open innovation services contract, was the third contract I ever bid on and it involved a lot of work, with voluminous proposals and getting support from the local procurement technical assistance center for reviews and corrections. After six months of bidding, I receiving the phone call from the NASA contracting officer which was one of the most exhilarating moments of my life.

We recently wrapped up a crowd-based research project examining how virtual reality can enhance the astronaut interview process. And last year, we completed a challenge competition called the Red Rocket Challenge. Over the course of a year and three phases, we awarded $47,000 to find a new method for detecting a chemical used in rocket fuel. We designed and managed the competition, hosting it on our platform to foster the development of innovative solutions.

Candace Spears

I had a real passion for creating experiences for people — a passion I still hold.

Candace Spears

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Learn how Dr. Bowden retired from corporate in her mid-thirties as a VP by investing in some fail-safe ventures.

A Muse’s Keeper
Discuss how you are pivoting in your journey and any advice to younger women looking to enter into entrepreneurship.

Economic development, freedom, and making an impact on others' lives are incredibly important to me, as is expressing my creativity and 'God likeness.' Hence, I've curated a collection of ventures that I deeply adore. For instance, we also run a website called, covering travel, self-care, business, and money topics.

Being a Black woman in tech can sometimes feel like you're a unicorn. Sometimes that's amazing, making you feel like you've accomplished something significant and stand out in a crowd. But there are moments when it's not so great, like when you're on the receiving end of a comment that feels disrespectful, and you're left wondering if you're overreacting, or when you're looking for someone who really gets what it's like to walk in your shoes—someone with a wealth of experiences you can actually talk to.

My advice is to find ways to ensure the work you do benefits your entrepreneurial journey. Choose work assignments that you can later refer back to as successes in your entrepreneurial career, or that will teach you new skills you can leverage on this path. I always say nothing is wasted. Discover what you like, what works for you, and try new things. There’s nothing wrong with experimenting—you’ll learn the most when you do.

Continue to keep up with the latest from Floor23 Digital.

muses on the move:
Shania Muhammad

Shania Muhammad has proven to be a trailblazing scholar since her journey began at the age of 14, leveraging opportunities to reach academic excellence. Already having two associate degrees under her belt, Shania graduated from the HBCU Langston University with a Bachelor’s in Early Childhood Development. Now at the age of 16, she holds the title of the youngest full-time teacher in the United States, shaping the young minds of third graders, all while pursuing her Master’s in Business Administration.


Shania’s ambition does not stop there. She can now add being an author to her many achievements after publishing her first book, "Read, Write, Listen: 13 in College How I Did it!" where she shares her remarkable journey to inspire others to chase their dreams with unwavering determination. Shania Muhammad's story is not just one of personal achievement but a beacon of hope for aspiring scholars everywhere.

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